Building a new internet together.
How Efficiency Can Compromise System Resilience
Efficiency is often seen as a desirable trait in systems, but it can come at the cost of resilience. This means that in the pursuit of optimizing a system's performance, there may be a trade-off with its ability to withstand and recover from unexpected shocks or disturbances. In other words, a highly efficient system may be more vulnerable to failure when faced with unexpected challenges.
A Reflection on Software Complexity
Back when I was an undergraduate, as part of a class called “Computer Systems Engineering”, we read numerous classic papers of systems…
Improving Testability through Better Design
When designing a new software project, one is often faced with a glut of choices about how to structure it. What should the core…
Caching: Understanding the Purpose and Benefits
I’ve recently had cause to work on scaling up a web application. It’s got a pretty traditional architecture: A CDN in front of a fast native…

Debug My Way

The simpler and more boring the code is, the more satisfied I am with my work.

The Web3 Computer

The Web3 community are building a world computer. Or rather, many world computers, and many applications atop them.

Teams That Share Knowledge By Design

One of the leading challenges that engineering leaders face is spotting knowledge silos.

Vulnerability & Art

A chorus of claps erupted from the adjacent table - piercing the blanket of silence on what was usually a slow Sunday morning. It was an…
The Blurry Line in Monad
There's a common joke that the rite of passage for every Haskell programmer is to write a "monad tutorial" blog post once they think they finally understand with how they work.

What is a Zero-Knowledge Proof?

This article explores what zero-knowledge proofs are, how they work, and why they are so important to privacy-preserving technology.

Where do Software Bugs Come From?

How to safely develop a system whose spec you don't understand?